Blog on hiatus... surprise!
As several freelancers warned me, keeping a blog going on this site has proven to be difficult. With juggling my other tasks, it always...

Trump and the ACA
Well, we're all a bit shocked by the Trump victory in the presidential election, I think it's safe to say. In the health, insurance,...

Does Trump's paid maternal leave plan represent a turning point?
I often write for, and in the past I've contributed stories about paid family leave policies, so I was very glad to see...

Will new paid sick leave ordinance get put on hold?
On May 27, the Minneapolis City Council passed a groundbreaking ordinance requiring businesses in the city to provide paid sick leave to...

Minnesota: highest premiums for Medicare pharmacy plans--by a lot
I recently came across this report from the Kaiser Family Foundation. It takes a look at the current market for Medicare Advantage...

"Public Facility" law takes up where religious freedom laws left off; likely to also be un
North Carolina acted quickly this week to pass a new law forbidding transgender persons from using their choice of public restrooms. ...

MNsure, ACA contribute to historic percentage of residents with health insurance
Say what you will about Obamacare. Note that it has had incredible technical issues, as with the still-problematic MNsure exchange web...

State hospitals continue to wrestle with medical errors
I know from my years covering health care delivery that hospitals in Minnesota take medical errors very seriously. The annual MDH report...

Is UHC slow-walking ACA applications?
UnitedHealth Group is one of the largest health insurance companies in the country. In fact, it's so big that its actual...

Health care likely to provoke lively debate again this Session
With the legislative session just around the corner, the recommendations of a special task force on public health plans are likely to...